Posted: 05 Jan 2025, 16:02
U23 SCOUT COST: 5,000,000 credits
Outfield Rated 14 or Goalkeeper Rated 18: Price is £5m
Outfield Rated 15 or Goalkeeper Rated 19: Price is £10m
Outfield Rated 16 or Goalkeeper Rated 20: Price is £20m
Outfield Rated 17 or Goalkeeper Rated 21: Price is £30m
Outfield Rated 18 or Goalkeeper Rated 22: Price is £40m
2) All scouted players start as a 22 year old as below shown as 18 rated but alters to rating of scout bought for Main.
GK: 22 2 2 1
DEF: 1 18 3 1
MID: 1 2 18 2
FWD: 1 1 3 18
You then get 5 FREE abs to add
3) You can buy up to 14 extra secondaries to then shape your player as you require and these will cost £1m/secondary so 14 = £14m.
The most you can take a secondary to is 14.
4) You can also reduce the age of your player by £2m/year.
Minimum age allowed on a 14 to 16 rated scout is 16 years old and for a 17 or 18 rated scout is 17 years old.
Buying a 18 MIDFIELDER would be:
SCOUT COST - £30M and he start as 1 2 18 2
5 free abs to place so if making an AM you may go 1 2 18 7
YOU THEN BUY 14 secondaries at £14 but as can only go to 14 on shooting then he becomes 1 9 18 14
HE is 22 to start but want him at 17 so that is 5 years down at £2m/year = £10m
TOTAL COST is £30M + £14M + £10m = £54M
When you have decided on you SCOUTED PLAYER as example above it needs to be posted in Purchases Requested in Members Shop and also please PM @Eduardo who will source a player for you.
If you are happy then post that player in transfer confirmations as SCO <<>> XXX in subject where XXX is your U23 team abbreviation.
U23 SCOUT COST: 5,000,000 credits
Outfield Rated 14 or Goalkeeper Rated 18: Price is £5m
Outfield Rated 15 or Goalkeeper Rated 19: Price is £10m
Outfield Rated 16 or Goalkeeper Rated 20: Price is £20m
Outfield Rated 17 or Goalkeeper Rated 21: Price is £30m
Outfield Rated 18 or Goalkeeper Rated 22: Price is £40m
2) All scouted players start as a 22 year old as below shown as 18 rated but alters to rating of scout bought for Main.
GK: 22 2 2 1
DEF: 1 18 3 1
MID: 1 2 18 2
FWD: 1 1 3 18
You then get 5 FREE abs to add
3) You can buy up to 14 extra secondaries to then shape your player as you require and these will cost £1m/secondary so 14 = £14m.
The most you can take a secondary to is 14.
4) You can also reduce the age of your player by £2m/year.
Minimum age allowed on a 14 to 16 rated scout is 16 years old and for a 17 or 18 rated scout is 17 years old.
Buying a 18 MIDFIELDER would be:
SCOUT COST - £30M and he start as 1 2 18 2
5 free abs to place so if making an AM you may go 1 2 18 7
YOU THEN BUY 14 secondaries at £14 but as can only go to 14 on shooting then he becomes 1 9 18 14
HE is 22 to start but want him at 17 so that is 5 years down at £2m/year = £10m
TOTAL COST is £30M + £14M + £10m = £54M
When you have decided on you SCOUTED PLAYER as example above it needs to be posted in Purchases Requested in Members Shop and also please PM @Eduardo who will source a player for you.
If you are happy then post that player in transfer confirmations as SCO <<>> XXX in subject where XXX is your U23 team abbreviation.