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Posted: 27 Feb 2022, 18:55
by Darlington
Your unwanted players can be sold to the FMFA at the prices below in accordance with the rules.


1) No player 19 or under in age can be sold to FMFA Sales .
2) No player under 20 rating (24 for goalkeepers) may be sold to FMFA.
3) No player rated 27 or above (31 for goalkeepers) maybe sold to the FMFA.
4) Maximum 3 players maybe sold or bought per week per team during the season
5) You must ensure that any sales do not take your squad size below 20 or the sale will not be put through.

Selling to FMFA Sales

Rating+Secondary Skills+Age=sale price

GK24/Outfield 20: Price = £5.00m
GK 25/Outfield 21: Price = £ 8.00m
GK 26/Outfield 22: Price = £10.00m
GK 27/Outfield 23: Price = £15.00m
GK 28/Outfield 24: Price = £20.00m
GK 29/Outfield 25: Price = £25.00m
GK30 Outfield 26: Price = £30.00m

Secondary Skills
0-7 = Nil
8-15 = add £500k for each skill above 7. (e.g. 12 rated seconds = + £2.5m)

20-23 = £1m for age below 24 (e.g. 20 year old = £4m)
24-30 = Nil
31-36 = minus £4m for each age above 30. (e.g. 33 year old = - £12m)

To make a sale please place in transfer processing as XXX <<>> FMFA Sales (where XXX is your team)
If you don't the sale will not happen

Re: SEASON 23 FMFA Sales

Posted: 07 Jan 2025, 11:09
by bruffio
R_Denny 22 eng 1 2 19 12 23 300 581 395 51

main = 30m
seconds: 12 = 2.5m
age: 3m

TOTAL: 35.5M X3 (New years gift) = 106.5m