Very happy with my squads but still some potential tweaks to be made
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K_Guessoum 26 fra 1 21 15 2 31 300 824 273 511
Jetro_Willems 29 ned 1 21 14 4 25 300 958 698 596
Near 22rs - will swap both for a 23r / high 22r and a lower rated defender - or both in a 2-4-1 if the def I get is good enough. Must have decent seconds and be under 30
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A_Devine 22 eng 1 12 21 12 28 300 31 832 681
Good all rounder - Swap for a mid to high 22r AM - at least 15 shooting and still decent tackling. The more seconds / terts I have to drop the higher main i'll need
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L_Suarez 35 uru 2 2 14 21 46 483 584 200 700
C_Ronaldo 39 por 1 1 10 20 24 300 614 339 856
Absolutely anything considered on this pair
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T_Katsukunya 19 wal 1 18 6 3 22 300 300 300 300
J_Wilson 16 eng 1 17 10 3 22 300 300 300 300
2-4-1 - swap both of these for a youth qualified 19r / high 18r with good seconds. Younger the better
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Ryan_Trevitt 21 eng 1 3 19 13 23 300 569 212 485
Swap for an equivalent DM